Vibrant Wave Publishing

Vibrant Wave Publishing


Who are we?

This company was started in February 2021 by D. C. Shaw to be a medium through which exciting stories are told to a global audience.

This company's dream comes down to three steps:

  • To create exciting stories taking place not only in Jamaica, but also Incorporating the many culture and subcultures of the Caribbean and Africa.
  • To make these stories become significant intellectual products. We will grow not only a brand, but also an identity that will not only inspire children growing up to see stories reflecting their lives being told, but also to give the world a taste of the pot that is black culture within the Caribbean and Africa.
  • To create a hub for multimedia of all kinds, we plan to start with novels and then from there make steps into crafting movies and video games in the future.

Located in the heart of Jamaica, we are passionate writers determined to see this reality realized.

But that is our dream as a publisher. 

We also would like to help writers with the process of finalizing their stories for publication and the eventual showcase of their stories to the world.

These processes include ghostwriting, blurb writing, plot outlining, proofreading, developmental editing, worldbuilding, and writer mentorship.

If you need any help with any of these services, contact one of our writers for assistance.

Do you need advice? Then read any of our advice pieces or educational stories.

At Vibrant Wave Publishing, we are here to help you, so let us help you tell your story.

Vibrant Wave Publishing
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